Sunday, June 7, 2020

Recovery Thought of the Day - June 7th

Good Morning CR Family,

Please see below for today's Recovery Thought of the Day:

Grief and Unfinished Hurt

Over the past week I have been reading an amazing book that was gifted to me called: "From Wild Man to Wise Man," by Richard Rohr.  Today I would like to share a small passage that really resonated with my in my own recovery journey.

"You see, the "grieving mode" is quite different than the fixing mode, the controlling mode or even the understanding mode of life.  The male had to be shown how to live and feel grief, or he would spend all his life in these other three, which is what has largely happened.  Grief, as I define it, is simply unfinished hurt."

Wow... It was like he was talking straight to me.  I had never really thought of grief from that perspective before, but I have found it to be true.  Before recovery, every time that I was hurt, rather than facing it, I would ignore it and stuff it down.  When my Mom unexpectedly passed away at the age of 50, rather than working through that grief, I did my best to ignore it. After being subjected to infidelity and a failed first marriage, same thing...  The result of my unprocessed grief showed up in my life in many ways: trust issues, anger issues, acting out in my addition when those feelings of grief surfaced, planning out everything to the n-th degree (trying to control my life) as so on.

The fact of the matter is, working through grief is hard, it hurts.  Working through the 12 steps can hurt and is not always fun. The result of working through pain, as hard as it may be, is healing and restoration.  On the other end, the result of not dealing with our internal hurts is on-going hurt the rest of our lives and more than likely hurting others while we are at it.

What is an unfinished hurt that you are holding on to?

  1. If you are in need of prayer, please send your prayer requests to and we will forward those on to our celebrate recovery prayer team. The Crossroads Church Prayer team would also love to pray for you, so when you send your E-mail, please note if you are okay with us forwarding your prayer request to the church.
  2. Fridays at 6:30pm, We are hosting "CR Friday Night Live."   To subscribe to our youtube channel  please click on the following link and select the subscribe button.  CR Youtube Channel Link .  There will be a song or two of worship and then a short recovery based dialog between a couple of CR members.  This will be streamed on youtube. 
  3. Fridays we will be hosting on-line open share group meetings at 7:30pm.  There will be one mixed issues group for men and one mixed issues group for women. Men's Open Share Group Sign-Up Link / Women's Open Share Group Sign-Up Link These meetings will take place using the Zoom App.  In order to participate you will need a tablet, smart-phone or computer with camera.  In order to ensure confidentiality of these meetings everyone who participates will need to find a private room to set up, have their camera on, so others can see that there is no one else in the room and they will also need to wear a pair of headphones so that they are the only ones that can hear.  This is a free app and you can download it on google play, apple app store or through your web-browser on your computer. For help on how to join a Zoom meeting please click on the the following link, which will take you to their support web-site Zoom Set-Up Help
James U.

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